Who We Are

Our Savior Lutheran ChurchOur Savior Lutheran Church is a gathering of people around our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are joined in common belief that we show in our worship of the Savior and our service to our community. Because God loved the whole world, we love one another and want to share the news of God’s love for you and the whole world.

We are in fellowship with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod in the unity of Christ’s love. The WELS is a Christ-preaching, Bible-believing, people-serving church. As Lutherans we trace our roots back to the Reformation of the sixteenth century. More appropriately, as Lutheran Christians, we trace our roots back to the time of Jesus Christ, for we believe and teach what Jesus taught his apostles to teach. We are called the Wisconsin Synod because our church body was organized in the state of Wisconsin about 150 years ago.

Our Lutheran Heritage

As Lutheran Christians we are fully committed to the three-fold foundation of the Reformation: grace alone — faith alone — Scripture alone. We believe, teach and confess that salvation is ours by the grace of God, which is his undeserved mercy, through faith in Jesus Christ, as taught in the Word of God. We hold to the Bible as the completely true and inspired Word of God, the only source and authority for Christian faith and life.


At Our Savior, fellowship is an important and fun part of our daily lives. Through a variety of events including dinners, picnics, pie-eating contests, blood drives, concerts and more, we strengthen our faith and encourage each other while growing more closely together in friendship. You are always welcome at any or all of our scheduled events. We hope that you will find us to be friends that you can feel comfortable sharing your concerns and interests with.