Children’s Sunday School
9:15 a.m.
Adult Bible Study
Sunday 9:15 a.m.
Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study for Adults & Children
Our Savior offers many opportunities for growth in faith and in the knowledge of God’s Word. Every Sunday at 9:15 AM, Bible Classes that enrich the spirit, soul and the mind are prepared and taught for all ages. In addition, Wednesday evening Bible classes at 7:00 PM provide additional study and insight into God’s Word and Bible Truths. Through our classes, we study what God’s Word says on important matters that affect our lives and our world.
Membership Classes
Besides the classes above, a full schedule of classes to prepare children and adults for membership are available at times and locations convenient to you. Just contact the Pastor if you have any questions about the program or if you would like to enroll.
Adult Information Classes
Adult information classes are offered periodically and at no charge. They are a great opportunity to learn more about what the Bible teaches. If you are interested in learning more about Jesus Christ, Salvation or other key Biblical doctrines, you are welcome to attend. These classes are a great opportunity to ask the questions that you might have about God, sin and the plan for your life in a friendly and caring setting.
We enjoy open discussion and welcome all of your questions. Just contact the Pastor if you have any questions about the program or if you would like to enroll.